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Australian City International College

  /  Courses   /  Aged Care   /  CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support

CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support

CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support

This qualification reflects the role of support workers who complete specialised tasks and functions in aged services; either in residential, home or community-based environments. Workers will take responsibility for their own outputs within defined organisation guidelines and maintain quality service delivery through the development, facilitation and review of individualised service planning and delivery.
Workers may be required to demonstrate leadership and have limited responsibility for the organisation and the quantity and quality of outputs of others within limited parameters.
To achieve this qualification, the candidate must have completed at least 120 hours of work as detailed in the Assessment Requirements of the units of competency.

Our Difference

Learner Characteristics and Target Group

Target groups for the CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support are international students who are:

  • Seeking to pursue a career in ageing support
  • Seeking to enter a new industry sector
  • Seeking a pathway to higher-level qualifications.

Characteristics of the target group are as follows:

International students from various countries who are seeking to develop their skills and knowledge in ageing support to further their career prospects or study pathways. Typically, these students will not have any work experience and are between 18 – 35.

Students may be onshore students currently based in Australia or offshore students applying from overseas.  Most students speak English as a second language and must satisfy English language proficiency in order to successfully enrol into the course.

Credit and/or RPL can be provided for those with existing skills and knowledge allowing such students to complete the course in a shorter time frame.

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