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Intake Dates

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   How to Enroll With Australian City International College

  • Download application form. – Application Form
  • Complete and return the Application for Enrollment form, together with necessary documents and $200 Application Fee. The Application Fee may be paid by cash, cheque, eftpos or credit card or direct deposit.
  • Our Admission Officer will send you a letter of acknowledgement and receipt as well as information about when to expect an enrolment interview.
  • The College will issue a letter of offer following your enrollment assessment.
Contact our Admission Department

ACIC ensures that all students who gain access into a Nationally Accredited Program have the appropriate skills and abilities they require to be successful in their studies. Each course has specific entry requirements as listed in the course information sheet for the particular course. You can obtain a copy, of course, information sheet under courses section of our website.

We will assist you with Admissions into your chosen program and will guide you through the admissions process. If you have any questions with regards to admissions, please speak to the Marketing and Admissions Team or see the Institute’s Student Entry Requirements, Selection, Enrollment and Orientation Policy.


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