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Australian City International College

  /  Courses   /  Business   /  BSB40215 Certificate IV in Business

BSB40215 Certificate IV in Business

BSB40215 Certificate IV in Business

Our recognised Cert IV has been designed to respond to the learning needs of employees who are assuming increasing responsibility in their organisations. They may have developed some administrative and supervisory skills, or be seeking to learn and apply these in the near future.

The Certificate IV in the Business course covers a broad array of business and organizational tasks and responsibilities including workplace safety, customer service, organizing and coordinating meetings, creating marketing plans, strategy implementation and managing one’s own work priorities while building effective working relationships with others.

This course provides a solid foundation for more advanced studies in business and for future managerial roles.

Our Difference

Learning Outcomes and Career Opportunities

Access the latest thinking about business management and apply this to your current and future roles – Learn how to organise many of the critical functions in every organisation, including teams, projects, meetings, and the performance of your self and colleagues – Develop skills in marketing, planning, strategy and strategy implementation – Become a more effective team leader and team participant. Successful completing of this qualification can lead to career opportunities such as: Project Officer, Administration, Coordinator, Supervisor. This course provides the foundation for advanced studies in business and for future roles in business management.

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