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Australian City International College

  /  Courses   /  Business   /  BSB50215 Diploma of Business Administration

BSB50215 Diploma of Business Administration

BSB50215 Diploma of Business Administration

Our recognised Diploma of Business Administration provides a solid introduction to many important business functions including marketing and promotion, leadership, project management and administration. Completing this qualification can lead to a career in a wide range of fields including marketing, retailing, human resources management, logistics or administration.

This course will provide you with a broad understanding of the knowledge and techniques required to succeed in business, whether it’s in your business or as a future leader in private enterprise. This program will provide you with the foundation entrepreneurship, leadership skills and self- confidence to succeed in business today. You will learn to identify new and emerging opportunities for a business and develop strategies to capitalise on them.

Our Difference

Learning Outcomes and Career Opportunities

Learn how to manage many of the critical functions in every organisation, including teams projects, and the performance of your people – Access the latest thinking about business and management and apply this to your current and future roles – Develop skills in marketing strategy and strategy implementation – Practice more effective ways of managing work-life and become a more effective team leader. Successful completion of this qualification can lead to career opportunities such as: Program Coordinator, Project Manager, Team Leader and Marketing Coordinator.

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